Wednesday, April 4, 2012

NORTON SCIENTIFIC: Articles - Online Security - Zimbio

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NORTON SCIENTIFIC: Articles - Online Security
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h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​z​i​m​b​i​o​.​c​o​m​/​O​n​l​i​n​e​+​S​e​c​u​r​i​t​y​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​?​P​a​g​e​=​9 NORTON SCIENTIFIC-ZIMBIO-Norton: Donald Roberts, "Scientific Fraud", and DDT By isabelhawthorne on October 17, 2011 h​t​t​p​:​/​/​o​n​e​c​l​i​c​k​.​i​n​d​i​a​t​i​m​e​s​.​c​o​m​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​0​5​Z​v​g​V​k​2​2​C​0​P​b​?​q​=​G​u​a​t​e​m​a​l​a​&​n​b​s​p​;​I​n​h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​a​e​i​.​o​r​g​/​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​/​1​0​1​0​1​9​&​n​b​s​p​;​"​&​g​t​;​t​h​i​s piece Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper b​y​&​n​b​s​p​;​h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​d​o​v​e​p​r​e​s​s​.​c​o​m​/​i​n​t​e​r​n​a​t​i​o​n​a​l​-​a​d​v​o​c​a​c​y​-​a​g​a​i​n​s​t​-​d​d​t​-​a​n​d​-​o​t​h​e​r​-​p​u​b​l​i​c​-​h​e​a​l​t​h​-​i​n​s​e​c​t​i​c​i​d​e​-​p​e​e​r​-​r​e​v​i​e​w​e​d​-​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​R​R​T​M​&​n​b​s​p​;​"​&​g​t​;​R​o​b​e​r​t​s and Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see...Read Full Story
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NORTON SCIENTIFIC-ZIMBIO-Norton: Donald Roberts, "Scientific Fraud", and DDT By perrybanks on October 16, 2011 h​t​t​p​:​/​/​o​n​e​c​l​i​c​k​.​i​n​d​i​a​t​i​m​e​s​.​c​o​m​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​0​5​Z​v​g​V​k​2​2​C​0​P​b​?​q​=​G​u​a​t​e​m​a​l​a​&​n​b​s​p​;​I​n​h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​a​e​i​.​o​r​g​/​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​/​1​0​1​0​1​9​"​&​g​t​;​t​h​i​s​&​n​b​s​p​;​p​i​e​c​e Roger Bate, Donald Roberts and Richard Tren accuse the UN of "Scientific Fraud against DDT". Their Accusation is based on an Opinion paper b​y​h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​d​o​v​e​p​r​e​s​s​.​c​o​m​/​i​n​t​e​r​n​a​t​i​o​n​a​l​-​a​d​v​o​c​a​c​y​-​a​g​a​i​n​s​t​-​d​d​t​-​a​n​d​-​o​t​h​e​r​-​p​u​b​l​i​c​-​h​e​a​l​t​h​-​i​n​s​e​c​t​i​c​i​d​e​-​p​e​e​r​-​r​e​v​i​e​w​e​d​-​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​R​R​T​M​"​&​g​t​;​R​o​b​e​r​t​s​&​n​b​s​p​;​a​n​d Tren published in Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. So let's look at their paper and see where...Read Full Story
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Bogus Windows Firewall and Security Center Update Email Links To Malware By racquathink on October 13, 2011 | From Outline Email purporting to be from Microsoft Canada instructs recipients to click a link in order to download and install a high priority security update for the Microsoft Windows Firewall and Security Center. Brief Analysis The email is not from Microsoft and the link does not point to a security update. Instead, following the instructions in the message will download and install malware. Microsoft will never send security updates via an email. Detailed analysis and references below...Read Full Story
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Fraud Prevention | NORTON SCIENTIFIC PLANNING APPLICATION - West Oxfordshire District Council - (From The Oxford Times) By isabelhawthorne on November 2, 2011 h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​y​o​u​s​a​y​t​o​o​.​c​o​m​/​n​o​r​t​o​n​-​s​c​i​e​n​t​i​f​i​c​-​p​l​a​n​n​i​n​g​-​a​p​p​l​i​c​a​t​i​o​n​-​w​e​s​t​-​o​x​f​o​r​d​s​h​i​r​e​-​d​i​s​t​r​i​c​t​-​c​o​u​n​c​i​/​1​3​2​5​6​3​9​&​n​b​s​p​;​W​E​S​T OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACTS PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED PERIOD ENDING: 04/08/2011 11/1138/P/FP COMBE (AL) Combe Mill Blenheim Palace Sawmills East End Combe Alterations and erection of new store/kiosk building and boiler room . 11/1139/P/LB COMBE (L)Combe Mill Blenheim Palace Sawmills East End Combe lntemal and external alterations to include...Read Full Story
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The Acts of an Oedipus: Power, Language, and Sacrifice in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man By athennamisty on October 24, 2011 h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​a​n​t​h​r​o​p​o​e​t​i​c​s​.​u​c​l​a​.​e​d​u​/​a​p​0​7​0​1​/​n​e​l​l​i​s​.​h​t​m​&​n​b​s​p​;​d​a​c​t​y​l​i​c​@​e​a​r​t​h​l​i​n​k​.​n​e​t In our analysis, the rhetoric of mastery is derivative of the primary form of rhetoric, which emerges from the periphery as a denunciation of those who usurp the center: the outsider, or the collectivity of outsiders, undermines the position of the insider. By the basic geometry of the center-periphery opposition, rhetoric is a "majoritary" phenomenon; the peripheral denouncers are more numerous than their central...Read Full Story
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The Acts of an Oedipus: Power, Language, and Sacrifice in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man By jammyleila on October 24, 2011 h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​a​n​t​h​r​o​p​o​e​t​i​c​s​.​u​c​l​a​.​e​d​u​/​a​p​0​7​0​1​/​n​e​l​l​i​s​.​h​t​m​&​n​b​s​p​;​d​a​c​t​y​l​i​c​@​e​a​r​t​h​l​i​n​k​.​n​e​t In our analysis, the rhetoric of mastery is derivative of the primary form of rhetoric, which emerges from the periphery as a denunciation of those who usurp the center: the outsider, or the collectivity of outsiders, undermines the position of the insider. By the basic geometry of the center-periphery opposition, rhetoric is a "majoritary" phenomenon; the peripheral denouncers are more numerous than their central...Read Full Story
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Facebook Prayer: Request For Baby Found in the Bin By racquathink on October 12, 2011 | From Outline Message circulating via Facebook asks users to say a prayer for a baby that was found in a bin and was being eaten by ants. Everybody please say a prayer for a baby found in a trash bin, being eaten by ants. Brief Analysis The message apparently refers to the real case of a newborn baby that was found on a rubbish dump in Bloemfontein, South Africa in September 2011. The baby was bitten by ants while lying at the dump. A subsequent news report indicates that the baby was recovering...Read Full Story
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What is a Facebook Survey Scam? - Survey Scams Explained By racquathink on January 11, 2012 | From Overview Over recent years, Facebook has been plagued by the type of nefarious scheme that we refer to collectively as survey scams. The tactics used by these survey scammers vary between incarnations of the scam. But, scratch the surface, and you will find that they are all basically the same old con. This article describes in general terms how these scams work, how to avoid them and how you can help combat them. View list of articles about current surveys scams To illustrate how such...Read Full Story
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This System Tool 2011 removal guide includes 2 System Tool 2011 Videos and a Manual Guide. By jammyleila on November 4, 2011 This is a review of Broad and Wade’s Betrayers of the Truth. The author uses a subtitle which is revealing: the loyalist responds to heresy not by seeing that something might be wrong, that there may be some merit to this sort of reassessment, but by defending the ideology. Zinder has managed to misread Broad and Wade in several places. There is sufficient misrepresentation to mean that he read the book very selectively. “The authors continually confound science with scientists. And the book...Read Full Story
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NORTON SCIENTIFIC SCAM-Detection and Prevention of Clinical Research Fraud and Misconduct A Norton By monethkylie on October 18, 2011 h​t​t​p​:​/​/​w​w​w​.​y​o​u​s​a​y​t​o​o​.​c​o​m​/​n​o​r​t​o​n​-​s​c​i​e​n​t​i​f​i​c​-​s​c​a​m​-​d​e​t​e​c​t​i​o​n​-​a​n​d​-​p​r​e​v​e​n​t​i​o​n​-​o​f​-​c​l​i​n​i​c​a​l​-​r​e​s​e​a​r​c​h​-​f​r​/​1​2​9​5​8​8​3​&​n​b​s​p​;​C​u​r​r​e​n​t Class Dates (subject to change): Scheduled as Needed based on Student Demand. Email us at if you are interested in this course. Description - This is an advanced-level class that takes an in-depth examination of severe noncompliance, clinical data fabrication and falsification, scientific misconduct and fraud cases. The course focus is on...Read Full Story

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